nina. she/her. animangas, books, music and movies enthusiast

before you follow

i will randomly tweet, rt, qrt about anything that i like. either animangas, music, movies, daily life and also kpop stuff.this account intentionally for hyping (or maybe writing) something such as au (alternate universe, fanfic, you name it) books, movies, animangas, music and arts.i often use lowercase or smash typingi used a lot of harsh word. i'm trying really hard not to use it, but sadly, i like it. hehe.NOT SPOILER FREE

do not interact

you can't accept everything at "before you follow".spreading hate to everyone and everything. please, be nice.minors (under 16), but current moots are okay.

PLEASE TAKE A NOTEplease remind me if someday i'm doing something that makes you uncomfortable. you can also mute or bub me if you want, it's all up to you.actually, i'm kinda shy to interact with my new mutual. but of course i will try to interact with you! i hope we can be a good friends.